Exhibit Entry Payment Form: Yardage Convergence 2026


Exhibit Entry Form


Limitless Prairies, Limitless Sky is a juried exhibit featuring lengths of woven, constructed, and/or embellished yardage. Any fiber arts technique may be used. Download and view the complete exhibit prospectus and instructionsThe deadline to register is March 15, 2026Exhibit Entry Fees are Non-Refundable.

Entry Fees per Piece:
Students (with HGA Student Membership or Proof of current university/college enrollment
HGA Members (Individual, Family, or Professional Artist)
Non-HGA Members
Members, when registering, you must first login to My Account or you will not receive the Member rate. Not a member? Join Today. For assistance please call (678) 730-0010, Tuesday- Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM ET.